출간일(Release) : 2021/08/31
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2018/12/26
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 48,000
클래식 레퍼런스
로버트 세지윅 베스트셀러의 최신 버전. 지난 수십년 동안 발전한 알고리즘과 자료 구조에 대한 내용을 한 권에 담았다.
폭넓은 주제
프로그래머라면 반드시 알아야 하는 50가지 알고리즘을 비롯해 정렬, 검색, 그래프, 문자열 처리를 위한 자료 구조와 알고리즘에 대한 상세한 설명을 수록했다.
새로 작성한 코드
누구나 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 모듈 프로그래밍 스타일로 작성된 자바 구현을 수록했다. 모든 코드는 더 읽기 쉬워졌고, 바로 사용할 수 있게 되었다.
실제로 동작하는 코드와 응용 프로그램
알고리즘은 과학, 공학, 상용 프로그램에서 매우 중요하다. 다른 책에서 의사코드로 제공하는 것과 달리 이 책에서는 알고리즘과 이를 사용하는 클라이언트가 실제로 동작하는 코드로 제공된다.
과학적인 접근
적절한 수학적 모델과 모델을 검증하는 경험적인 연구들을 제시하면서 성능에 대한 엄밀한 설명을 제시한다.
Classic Reference!
The latest version of Robert Sedgwick’s bestseller. Algorithms and data structures that have evolved over the past few decades are included in one volume.
Broad topic!
It contains detailed descriptions of data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, graphing, and string processing, including 50 algorithms every programmer should know.
Newly written code!
It contains a Java implementation written in a modular programming style that anyone can easily access. All the code is more readable and ready to use.
Code and applications that actually work!
Algorithms are very important in scientific, engineering, and commercial programs. Unlike the pseudocode provided in other books, in this book the algorithm and the client using it are provided as code that actually works.
Scientific Approach!
A rigorous description of the performance is presented while presenting an appropriate mathematical model and empirical studies to verify the model.
로버트 세지윅(Robert Sedgwick)
The author has been a professor of computer science at Princeton University since 1985. He also served as founding chair of the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University. He has served as a visiting research fellow at Xerox Park, Defense Analytical Research Institute, and INRIA, and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Adobe Systems, where he manages.
His research interests include analysis combinatorial theory, design and analysis of data structures and algorithms, and program visualization. The Algorithm, which he wrote, is a monumental book and has been published in numerous versions and languages over the past 30 years, up to 4 editions. He is also the co-author of the highly acclaimed (Addison Wesley, 2008) with Kevin Wayne.
케빈 웨인(Kevin Wayne)
The author is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University and has been teaching since 1998. He received his PhD in Operational Sciences and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University. His research interests are the design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms, with particular interest in graphs and discrete optimization. He is also the author of the much acclaimed Introduction to Programming in Java (Addison Wesley, 2008), co-authored with Robert Sedgwick.