출간일(Release) : 2016/10/30
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 7,000
¡Manera de estudiar ‘eficientemente’ en ‘corto tiempo’ con un ‘precio razonable’!
Incluido los mejores modelos seleccionados con 100% de posibilidad de presentar.
Este libro incluye los mejores modelos seleccionados con 100% de posibilidad de presentar en el TOEIC reflejando el nuevo formato adaptado desde el 29 de mayo pasado para poder alcanzar ‘eficientemente’ altas puntuaciones en ‘corto tiempo’.
1. En 5 d?as, resolver todos los ejercicios que van a presentarse con 100%.
Este libro incluye ejercicios seleccionados con altas posibilidades de presentar en el examen real para que los estudiantes puedan alcanzar altos puntajes en corto plazo.
2. ¡Adaptar perfectamente el nuevo modelo del TOEIC!
Los nuevos formatos del TOEIC realizados en Corea est?n perfectamente incluidos. Se ofrece varios modelos de ejercicios de cada parte del nuevo TOEIC.
3. ¡Ofrecer los mejores ejercicios con un precio razonable!
Mejora la calidad de pruebas con un precio reducido. Preparen el examen con mejores ejercicios en un precio razonable.
4. ¡Maximizar la eficiencia del estudio distinguiendo los nuevos formatos de preguntas!
Maximiza la eficiencia de estudiantes marcando los nuevos formatos de preguntas. Repasen los nuevos formatos de cada parte.
* Por sus siglas en coreano, ´Crack the Exam!´ significa ´Estudiar solo lo que presentar? en el examen´.
Here is how you can “efficiently” prepare for TOEIC “in the shortest time possible” at an “affordable price”!
The set includes carefully selected questions that have a 100 percent possibility of appearing on the actual test
This book includes carefully selected practice questions with a 100 percent possibility of appearing on the actual test to help you improve your scores in the shortest possible time by fully reflecting the actual revised TOEIC being administered in Korea as of May 29th.
Study with practice questions that are 100 percent sure to appear on the actual test for just five days.
1. Solve all questions that are sure to appear on the actual TOEIC in just five days!
The book includes questions with a high possibility of appearing on the actual test so that students can improve their test scores by reducing their study time and focusing on only the most necessary questions.
2. Perfectly reflected the actual new TOEIC!
The new revised TOEIC templates administered in Korea are perfectly reflected across all sections. You will get the most out of the extensive practice in an efficient, actual test-taking experience.
3. The price went down but the quality of questions went up. Prepare yourself for the TOEIC with quality questions at the most reasonable price.
4. Questions that reflect the new test templates are marked in order to facilitate more efficient test preparation!
Questions that reflect the new TOEIC temples are marked to ensure improved and efficient learning. See for yourself how the patterns have changed in each section of the test.
* ‘Crack the Exam!’ is Korean for “Study Only What Will be on the Test.”
Sr. Koo Won(Koo Won)
Sr. Koo Won es el instructor famoso del Instituto del Ingl?s Youngdangi en Gangnam de Corea con su ?nico y divertido m?todo de memorizaci?n y m?todo de asociaci?n y cada mes toma el TOEIC regular y publica su puntuaci?n a los estudiantes.
Instructor del TOEIC del Instituto del Ingl?s Youngdangi en Gangnam
Obtenido 990 en los 39 TOEICs (sumado hasta marzo del 2015)
Maestr?a en Ense?anza y Aprendizaje del Ingl?s del Posgrado de TESOL de la Universidad de Hankuk de Estudios Extranjeros
Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Inglesa de la Universidad de Joong-Ang
Koo Won is a very popular instructor at the Engdangi English Language Institute Gangnam Campus in Korea with his unique and fun memorization method and association methods, not to mention his English skills he is so confident that he takes the TOEIC test every month and discloses his scores to students.
TOEIC instructor at the Gangnam Campus of Engdangi Language Institute
Recorded perfect scores in 39 TOEIC tests (as of March 2015)
Graduate of English Learning and Teaching at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
School of TESOL
Studied English Language and Literature at Joongang University
Sr. Park Jae-hyung(Park Jae-hyung)
Actual director del Centro del Estudio Autodidactica del Instituto del Ingl?s Youngdangi
Actual instructor representativo del Part 7 del Instituto del Ingl?s Youngdangi
Actual instructor representativo del Part 7 del Instituto del Ingl?s Youngdangi, encargado en el servicio de revelar las repuestas del TOEIC regular
Ex instructor de la parte Reading del Instituto del Ingl?s YBM e4u del campus principal Jongno
Ex instructor representativo del Part 7 del Instituto del Ingl?s Hackers del campus Gangnam/Jongno
Ex instructor de la parte Reading del Instituto del Ingl?s Pagoda del campus Shinchon
Maestr?a en la Lengua y Literatura Inglesa de la Universidad Nacional de Se?l
Current Director of Engdani Language Institute Dokseup Center
Current Pt.7 instructor at Engdangi Language Institute
Current Pt.7 instructor at Engdangi Language Institute who provides full services including disclosing the correct answers of TOEIC questions
Former reading comprehension instructor at YBM e4u Jongno Main Branch
Former TOEIC Pt.7 instructor at Gangnam/Jongno Campus of Hackers Language Institute
Former reading comprehension instructor at the Sinchon Campus of Pagoda Language Institute
Master’s degree in English Language and Literature from Seoul Nat’l Univ.
Sr. Mark Kim(Mark Kim)
Actual instructor representativo del Instituto del Ingl?s Youngdangi del campus Gangnam
Ex instructor representativo del Instituto del Ingl?s Hackers del campus Gangnam/Jongno
Graduado de la Universidad de Maryland College Park
Current instructor at the Gangnam Campus of Engdangi Language Institute
Former instructor at the Gangnam & Jongno Campus of Hackers Language Institute
Graduated from the Univ. of Maryland, College Park