초등 필수 영어표현 무작정 따라하기(The Cakewalk series – Essential English Expressions)

출간일(Release) : 2016/06/19
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2016/05/24
전자책 종류(Format) : PDF
Price : KRW 9,800




따라 말하고, 따라 쓰면서 쉽게 배우는 초등 필수 영어표현!
교육부 권장 의사소통 표현 130개를 익히는 책입니다. ‘의사소통 표현’이란 일상생활에서 쓰이는 회화표현을 말하며, 이는 초등 영어 교과과정의 핵심이라 할 수 있습니다.
초등 영어교과서 3종을 분석하여 필수적인 영어표현을 ‘따라 말하고’ ‘따라 쓰면서’ 쉽게 익히도록 구성했습니다. 초등 저학년은 영어 교과서에서 무엇을 배우는지 이 책으로 미리 체험해 볼 수 있으며, 초등 고학년은 3~6학년 교과서에서 배운 영어를 한 권으로 총 복습해볼 수 있습니다.

It is essential elementary English expression to follow and to learn easily while following!
This book teaches 130 expressions of communication recommended by the Ministry of Education in S.Korea. ‘Expression of communication’ refers to the expression of conversation used in everyday life, which is the core of the elementary English curriculum.
This book analyzes three kinds of elementary English textbooks and is designed to make it easy to learn essential English expressions ‘along the way’ and ‘writing along’. The elementary school students can experience what they learn in English textbooks in advance with this book. The elementary school students can review the English learned in the 3rd ~ 6th grade textbooks in one book.

김지은(Kim, Jiwon)
한양대학교에서 교육학을 전공하고, 숙명여자대학교 TESOL 대학원을 졸업했습니다.
어학전문 출판사에서 십여 년 이상 영어교재를 기획·개발했으며 초·중고 학생들을 가르치는 일을 하고 계십니다. 학생들의 영어학습 환경을 가까이에서 지켜보면서, 연령과 시기에 따라 꼭 필요한 영어학습과 교수법을 연구하고, 이러한 노하우를 교재에 담아 집필 활동을 하고 계십니다.

The author majored in education at Hanyang University and graduated from TESOL Graduate School of Sookmyung Women’s University. She has been planning and developing English textbooks for more than a decade and is teaching primary and secondary students. While closely observing the English learning environment of students, she study essential English learning and teaching methods according to age and time, and are writing this know-how in textbooks.

부록(Extra File)

Pops English 2

출간일(Release) : 2016/05/20
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2016/04/11
전자책 종류(Format) : PDF
Price : KRW 9,100


팝송 20곡으로 초등 필수 어휘, 회화, 문법 통합 학습 한다!

Twenty songs of pop songs will teach elementary vocabulary, conversation and grammar integrated!

조정현(Jo, Junghyun)
한국외국어대학교 영어학 박사 과정을 수료하고 현재 메가스터디 엠주니어와 엠베스트에서 강의하고 있다. 파닉스, 읽기, 듣기, 문법, 발음, 내신 대비 등 전 영역에 걸쳐 가장 많은 강의수와 수강률을 기록하고 있다. 머리에 쏙쏙 들어오는 쉬운 설명과 개그맨을 능가하는 유머러스한 강의로 학생들에게 많은 사랑을 받고 있다. 한 편의 뮤지컬을 감상하듯 즐겁게 강의를 듣고 있다 보면 어느덧 막힌 귀가 뚫리고, 얼어붙었던 입이 열리고, 영자 신문이 술술 읽히고, 원어민도 깜짝 놀랄 만큼 멋진 발음을 얻게 된다는 게 학생들의 한결같은 평이다. 즐겁게 공부하면서도 확실한 실력 향상을 보장하는 강의 노하우를 담은 교재로 앞으로 더 많은 학생들을 찾아갈 예정이다.

The author completed his Ph.D. in English Linguistics at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and is currently lecturing at Megastudy M.J. and M Best. Phonics, Reading, Listening, Grammar, Pronunciation, Exercise and Contrast. It is loved by students because of its humorous lecture that surpasses comic explanations and comedians in mind. If you listen to a lecture happily as you listen to a musical, you will find that you have a blocked ears, a frozen mouth, a English newspaper, and a native speaker who gets surprisingly good pronunciation. The author is going to visit more students in the future with the textbook that contains the know-how of the lecture that guarantees the improvement of the skill while learning pleasantly.

부록(Extra File)

Pops English 1

출간일(Release) : 2016/05/20
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2016/04/11
전자책 종류(Format) : PDF
Price : KRW 9,100


팝송 20곡으로 초등 필수 어휘, 회화, 문법 통합 학습 한다!

Twenty songs of pop songs will teach elementary vocabulary, conversation and grammar integrated!

조정현(Jo, Junghyun)
한국외국어대학교 영어학 박사 과정을 수료하고 현재 메가스터디 엠주니어와 엠베스트에서 강의하고 있다. 파닉스, 읽기, 듣기, 문법, 발음, 내신 대비 등 전 영역에 걸쳐 가장 많은 강의수와 수강률을 기록하고 있다. 머리에 쏙쏙 들어오는 쉬운 설명과 개그맨을 능가하는 유머러스한 강의로 학생들에게 많은 사랑을 받고 있다. 한 편의 뮤지컬을 감상하듯 즐겁게 강의를 듣고 있다 보면 어느덧 막힌 귀가 뚫리고, 얼어붙었던 입이 열리고, 영자 신문이 술술 읽히고, 원어민도 깜짝 놀랄 만큼 멋진 발음을 얻게 된다는 게 학생들의 한결같은 평이다. 즐겁게 공부하면서도 확실한 실력 향상을 보장하는 강의 노하우를 담은 교재로 앞으로 더 많은 학생들을 찾아갈 예정이다.

The author completed his Ph.D. in English Linguistics at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and is currently lecturing at Megastudy M.J. and M Best. Phonics, Reading, Listening, Grammar, Pronunciation, Exercise and Contrast. It is loved by students because of its humorous lecture that surpasses comic explanations and comedians in mind. If you listen to a lecture happily as you listen to a musical, you will find that you have a blocked ears, a frozen mouth, a English newspaper, and a native speaker who gets surprisingly good pronunciation. The author is going to visit more students in the future with the textbook that contains the know-how of the lecture that guarantees the improvement of the skill while learning pleasantly.

부록(Extra File)

The Sleepy Owl

출간일(Release) :2012/10/15
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 5,000


This easy and fun story is designed so that students will be trained to read the words step by step. Above all, this lovely story encouraged learners to feel excited and curious while they are reading it.

“The Sleepy Owl” is about a little owl who has the opposite sleeping cycle. Little Owl has little regard for the feelings of others. One day an accident happens. Suddenly he engages in saving another animal. After that he makes many friends. Being thoughtful to others help us live together. He becomes to realize the importance of understanding others. This is the warm message that this story tell us.

It will help students develop English reading skills, as well as practice pronunciation and vocabulary.

James Han
English inventor
Currently, he is the head of the KD Gangnam Daechi English Academy and has served as the editor of the seventh revised English textbook. We introduced our own materials to the US, Thailand, Taiwan and other countries and announced our excellence in overseas. In 2011, we were selected as a new knowledge source in the Korean education field.

The author has been devoted to the study of new English learning methods for many years and has registered the largest number of innovative learning methods for learning English easier.

He received a letter of appreciation from the Canadian Department of Education for exchanging programs and was awarded the MINDS Special Prize by the Malaysian Invention Design Association. In addition, he was recognized for his achievements both in Korea and abroad, including the Gold Prize at the CIGIF International Invention Genius Contest, the Best New Knowledge Award in the Republic of Korea, the Silver Prize in Invention Education Contents Contest, the Grand Prize of the Korea Patent Daejeon Invention Association, and the Seoul Metropolitan Small and Medium Business Administration.

English learning method invention patent
System and method of making English sentence by weight of word / sentence (Patent No. 10-0846566)
Learning Puzzle (Patent No. 10-1046809)
Instant response English learning method by replacing parts of speech (Patent No. 10-0771017)
English pronunciation learning method using representative word pronunciation (Patent No. 10-0816378)
Learning System Using Position Sequence (Patent Application No. 2009-0071133)

Planning and writing
High Phonics (Edu King)
Writing English Sentences (Edu King)
High Plus Immersion Reading Series (Edu Wang) etc.

The Greedy Pig

출간일(Release) : 2012/10/15
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 5,000


This easy and fun story is designed so that students will be trained to read the words step by step. Above all, this lovely story encouraged learners to feel excited and curious while they are reading it.

“The Greedy Pig” is about a lazy and greedy pig Piggy. This character is very cute and lovely. Through his experience, the students are given something to think about. The story starts with a scene in which Piggy naps peacefully under afternoon. Though he is already full after lunch, he can never control his appetite. As a result, he cannot avoid getting into trouble. This gives readers a specific lesson about being greedy.

It will help students develop English reading skills, as well as practice pronunciation and vocabulary.

James Han
English inventor
Currently, he is the head of the KD Gangnam Daechi English Academy and has served as the editor of the seventh revised English textbook. We introduced our own materials to the US, Thailand, Taiwan and other countries and announced our excellence in overseas. In 2011, we were selected as a new knowledge source in the Korean education field.

The author has been devoted to the study of new English learning methods for many years and has registered the largest number of innovative learning methods for learning English easier.

He received a letter of appreciation from the Canadian Department of Education for exchanging programs and was awarded the MINDS Special Prize by the Malaysian Invention Design Association. In addition, he was recognized for his achievements both in Korea and abroad, including the Gold Prize at the CIGIF International Invention Genius Contest, the Best New Knowledge Award in the Republic of Korea, the Silver Prize in Invention Education Contents Contest, the Grand Prize of the Korea Patent Daejeon Invention Association, and the Seoul Metropolitan Small and Medium Business Administration.

English learning method invention patent
System and method of making English sentence by weight of word / sentence (Patent No. 10-0846566)
Learning Puzzle (Patent No. 10-1046809)
Instant response English learning method by replacing parts of speech (Patent No. 10-0771017)
English pronunciation learning method using representative word pronunciation (Patent No. 10-0816378)
Learning System Using Position Sequence (Patent Application No. 2009-0071133)

Planning and writing
High Phonics (Edu King)
Writing English Sentences (Edu King)
High Plus Immersion Reading Series (Edu Wang) etc.

Red Fox

출간일(Release) : 2012/10/15
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 5,000


This easy and fun story is designed so that students will be trained to read the words step by step. Above all, this lovely story encouraged learners to feel excited and curious while they are reading it.

“Red Fox” is about a fox who has a rare skin color. He feels alone because nobody wants to be his friend. It shows there are a lot of prejudice about small differences. Fortunately he finds red mole friends who have the same color as him. It is always difficult to find friends. Red Fox tries to find his friends. In the end, he overcomes his frustration and succeeds. This story encourages the importance of a positive attitude.

It will help students develop English reading skills, as well as practice pronunciation and vocabulary.

James Han
English inventor
Currently, he is the head of the KD Gangnam Daechi English Academy and has served as the editor of the seventh revised English textbook. We introduced our own materials to the US, Thailand, Taiwan and other countries and announced our excellence in overseas. In 2011, we were selected as a new knowledge source in the Korean education field.

The author has been devoted to the study of new English learning methods for many years and has registered the largest number of innovative learning methods for learning English easier.

He received a letter of appreciation from the Canadian Department of Education for exchanging programs and was awarded the MINDS Special Prize by the Malaysian Invention Design Association. In addition, he was recognized for his achievements both in Korea and abroad, including the Gold Prize at the CIGIF International Invention Genius Contest, the Best New Knowledge Award in the Republic of Korea, the Silver Prize in Invention Education Contents Contest, the Grand Prize of the Korea Patent Daejeon Invention Association, and the Seoul Metropolitan Small and Medium Business Administration.

English learning method invention patent
System and method of making English sentence by weight of word / sentence (Patent No. 10-0846566)
Learning Puzzle (Patent No. 10-1046809)
Instant response English learning method by replacing parts of speech (Patent No. 10-0771017)
English pronunciation learning method using representative word pronunciation (Patent No. 10-0816378)
Learning System Using Position Sequence (Patent Application No. 2009-0071133)

Planning and writing
High Phonics (Edu King)
Writing English Sentences (Edu King)
High Plus Immersion Reading Series (Edu Wang) etc.

일어나서 잠들기까지 엄마랑 생활영어(English with Mom)

출간일(Release) : 2012/11/21
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2012/09/07
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 13,300


“엄마표 영어, 어떻게 시작하면 좋을까요?”
아이에게 영어 노출 기회를 최대한 많이 주는 것! 그 방법 중 하나는 일상 생활에서 엄마가 영어로 말 걸어 주는 ‘영어 생활화’입니다.
이 책은 일어나서 자기까지, 아이와의 일상 생활에서 늘상 쓰이는 알짜 영어표현만을 모아 정리했습니다.

“English to learn with my mom. How should I start? ”
Give your child as much exposure as possible! One way to do this is in your daily life, where my mother speaks in English.
This book got together and collected all the pure English expressions that are used in everyday life with children.

이수현(Lee, Soohyun)
엄마표 영어를 시도해 보고 실패한 경험을 통해, 어떻게 하면 아이와 엄마 모두 스트레스 없이 영어를 생활화할 수 있을지 고민하고 연구한 끝에 ‘말문 열기 5단계’ 준비 과정을 개발해낸 두 아이의 평범한 엄마.

“내 아이의 영어만큼은 직접 책임지고 싶은 마음에, 한때 엄마 혼자만의 열의에 불타올라 무작정 영어를 퍼부어주던 때가 있었어요. 갑작스런 영어의 홍수에 적응하지 못한 준식이는 영어를 거부했고, 급기야 영어로 말 붙이려 하면 엄마 입을 틀어막기까지 하는 상황에 오고 나니, 이 시기를 극복하기 위한 방법에 골몰하지 않을 수 없었죠.

여러 번의 시행착오를 거치면서 나만의 방법을 터득하게 된 후부터는 준식이도 더 이상 거부하지 않고 자연스럽게 따라오기 시작했고, 엄마인 저 또한 편하고 부담 없이 영어를 생활화하게 되었습니다.
지금은 둘째 나연이도 엄마가 건네주는 영어와 친해지며 하루가 다르게 영어의 키를 쑥쑥 키워가고 있답니다.“

약력: 이화여자대학교 무용학과 졸업
전 AOS 유치원 강사

The author is an ordinary mother of two children who developed a preparation process of ‘opening the speech stage 5’ after studying whether the child and the mother can both live English without stress.
“I want to be in charge of my child’s English, and I once had a time when I was pouring into my mother’s own enthusiasm and pouring in English. Junsik who refused to adjust to the sudden flood of English refused to speak English, and when I came to a situation where I could stop my mother from wearing my mouth to speak English, I could not help but overcome the way to overcome this period.

After many trials and errors, I learned how to do it myself. Junsik started to follow me naturally without any more rejection.
Now, the second Na-yeon is also getting acquainted with the English that my mother handles, and she is growing the key of English differently every day. ”
Biography: Ewha Womans University, Department of Dance
Former AOS Kindergarten Instructor

부록(Extra File)

초등 엄마 교과서-개정판(Textbook for Elementary School Parents)

출간일(Release) : 2014/01/16
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2013/12/23
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 9,500


초등학교 공부, 이렇게 한다!
예비초등 엄마부터 초등 고학년 엄마까지 진정한 學부모가 되기 위해 꼭 봐야 할, 15년차 베테랑 선생님이 알려 주는 초등 공부와 생활 지도의 모든 것

How to learn elementary school!
Every elementary school study and life guidance that a 15 year veteran teacher tells you to be a true school parent from preliminary elementary mother to elementary upper grade mother

박성철  (Park, Suncheol)
박성철은 사립초등학교 선생님이며, 초등학교 학부모들에게 인기 있는 최고의 자녀교육 강사이자 베스트셀러 작가이다.

생생한 교육 현장 15년의 노하우를 가진 베테랑 교사이자 명강사로서 부산교육대학교 대학원에서 국어교육 석사학위를 받았고 미국 Azusa Pacific University의 gate teacher training program을 수료하였다. 부산시 창작영재 담임 강사와 창의인성교육 자문위원으로 활동하고 있는 그는 현재 부산 동래초등학교에서 아이들과 함께 생활하고 있다.

그는 학교에서 ‘독서귀신’이라는 별명으로 통한다. 그의 반 학생들은 모두 책을 좋아하는 아이들로 변화한다는 의미에서 붙여진 별명이다. 또한 아이들의 교육 문제로 고민과 좌절에 빠진 엄마들이 그와 상담하면 자녀교육에 대한 희망과 구체적이고 실제적인 해결 방법을 얻게 되는 것으로도 유명하다.

뛰어난 자녀교육 강사이기도 한 그는 교보문고, 한솔교육, 홈플러스 등의 기업체와 강연장에서 500여 차례 이상의 강연회를 통해 초등학교 학부모들에게 자녀교육의 해법을 들려주고 있다. ‘독서교육’, ‘영재교육’, ‘어린이 리더십 기르기’, ‘초등학생 입학사정관제 대비’ 등 전방위적인 그의 강의는 이론과 실생활에 적용 가능한 자녀교육법을 제시하는 명강의라는 평을 받고 있고 학부모들의 질문 공세에 대해 명쾌한 답을 해 주는 것으로 정평 나 있다.

그 자신이 천재를 뛰어넘은 연습벌레, 베스트셀러 작가로서 한편, 초등학생들에게 가장 인기 있는 작가이기도 한 그는 40만 독자의 사랑을 받은『비타민동화(2004년 어린이책 판매 1위)』,『천재를 뛰어넘은 연습벌레들(2007년 교보문고 베스트셀러)』, 『오바마 아저씨의 꿈의 힘』,『똥봉투 들고 학교 가던 날』 등의 작품을 썼다. 이 책들은 대만, 중국, 태국 등 여러 나라의 언어로 번역되어 그 나라의 초등학생들에게 사랑받고 있다. 이외에도 『어린이를 위한 365일 매일 읽는 긍정의 한줄』,『떴다 방구차』,『아빠의 파이팅 편지』, 『관심』등 98권의 저서가 있다.

Park is a private elementary school teacher and is the best child education instructor and bestselling author popular among elementary school parents.

As a veteran teacher and lecturer with 15 years of know-how in vivid educational field, she received her master’s degree in Korean language education from Busan National University of Education and completed the gate teacher training program of Azusa Pacific University in USA. He is a lecturer for creative gifted children in Busan and an advisor for creative personality education. He is currently living with children at Dongnae Elementary School in Busan.

He is nicknamed “reading ghost” in school. His classmates are nicknames in the sense that they all become children who love books. In addition, it is famous that when mother who is troubled and frustrated by education problem of children consults with it, hope of child education and concrete practical solution are obtained.

He is also an outstanding child education instructor, and he gives more than 500 lectures to companies including Kyobo Book Center, Hansol Education, and Homeplus to tell parents of elementary school parents how to teach their children. His lectures in all aspects including ‘reading education’, ‘gifted education’, ‘raising children’s leadership’ and ‘preparation for elementary school admissions assessment control’ have been evaluated as being a lecturer presenting the theory of children’s education applicable to real life. It is reputed to give a clear answer to the question.

As a best-selling writer, he is the most popular writer for elementary school students. He is the author of “Vitamin fairy tales (2004 first place in children’s books),” Obama’s dream power “,” The day he went to school with a shit bag “, and so on. These books have been translated into languages ​​of Taiwan, China, and Thailand and are loved by elementary school students in the country. In addition, there are 98 books including “A Line of Positive Readings for Children 365 Days a Day,” “Awakening Fugue Car,” “Father’s Fighting Letter,” and “Interest.”