출간일(Release) : 2014/11/21
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2014/11/04
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 10,900
‘나는 왜 이 시대, 그리고 이 나라에 태어났을까?’ 취업 준비생이라는 새로운 계급의 탄생
“대한민국 취업 전쟁 보고서”의 저자들, 세 명의 20대 젊은이(전다은, 나해리, 강선일)와 한 명의 기혼 여성 기자(정은주)는 직접 ‘취업 전쟁’에 뛰어들어 그 속살을 낱낱이 보여 준다. 황예랑, 김외현 기자는 독일, 네덜란드, 덴마크, 캐나다에서 현지의 ‘취업 현실’과 관련 제도를 취재했고, 한국 정부의 관련 정책(예를 들어 ‘시간제 일자리 활성화’)의 실효성을 되짚어 봤으며, 일자리가 절실하지만 쉽게 뜻을 이루지 못하는 대한민국 기혼 여성의 실태를 살펴보는 등 ‘취업 전쟁’을 전방위적으로 파헤쳤다.
더 나아가 심리학자 김환(서울사이버대학교 교수)은 세 젊은 저자를 직접 상담하고 그들의 심리를 분석함으로써, ‘취업 준비생’을 어렵게 만드는 것이 무엇인지 살펴보고 대처법을 조언했다. 사회 평론가 노정태는 고도 성장기의 대한민국과 현재를 대비시킴으로써 ‘취업’의 사회적 의미 변화를 고찰했고, 3부에 수록된 기취업자들과 국내외 취업 준비생, 전문가의 인터뷰는 취업이 하나의 ‘생존 투쟁’이 되어 버린 현대 사회의 모습을 적나라하게 보여 준다.
‘Why am I born in this age and in this country?’ – The birth of a new class of job-seekers
The authors of the “Korea employment war report”, three 20’s youths(Jeon Daeun, Na Harry, Kang Sunil) and one reporter(Jeong Eun-joo) jumped into the “job war” Hwang Jang-ran and Kim Woo-hyun reported on the local ’employment reality’ and related systems in Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and Canada, reviewed the effectiveness of the Korean government’s policies (for example, ‘activating part-time jobs’), looked at the actual situation of Korean married women who were desperate but could not easily understand the meaning of the ’employment war’.
Furthermore, psychologist Kim Hwan (professor at Seoul Cyber University) consulted three young authors directly and analyzed their psychology to see what makes it difficult to prepare for a job, and advised how to cope. Social critic Noh Jung-tae examined the changes in the social meaning of ’employment’ by comparing Korea and the present in the high-growth period. The interviews of the former employees, domestic and foreign job seekers, and experts in the third section show that employment becomes a ‘survival struggle’ It shows the appearance of modern society that has been abandoned nakedly.
전다은(Jeon, DaEun)
Born in 1986 and born in Doksan-dong, Seoul, she moved to Anseong, Gyeonggi-do and went to high school there. In 2004, she entered the Department of Natural Sciences at Dongduk Women’s University. However, she was forced to disappear after wandering. He worked at large marts, telecom agencies, DVD rooms, traditional teahouses, chalks and hotel lounges for five years until she was re-admitted. It was painful to write this “Korea employment war report” by following these memories. But after everything passed, she thought to herself.
‘I can get the book to prepare for a job like me, the world is still alive.’
강선일(Kang, Sunil)
1986년생. 부산에서 태어나 초등학교 1학년 마치고 수도권으로 이사 왔다. 어린 시절 할머니께서 사 주신 5권짜리 “만화 한국사”를 읽고 ‘역사학자가 되고 싶다’는 꿈이 생겼고, 결국 국민대학교 사학과에 입학했다. 막연히 글을 쓰고 사는 삶을 꿈꾸다가, 2013년 초 남북 대치 상황의 김포 주민에 대해 쓴 기사로 “오마이뉴스” 기사 공모전 ‘청춘기자상’에서 우수상을 받았다. 같은 해 7월, 어린 시절의 ‘트라우마’에 관한 글을 써 “오마이뉴스”에서 한 번 더 상을 받았다. 그리고 사회 문제에 대한 관심을, 자신과 같은 ‘취업 준비생’을 다룬 “대한민국 취업 전쟁 보고서”로 이어 가게 되었다.
Born in 1986. He was born in Busan and moved to the metropolitan area after completing the first grade of elementary school. When he was a child, dreamed that he wanted to become a historian by reading the five volumes of “Manga and Korean History” that his grandmother gave him, and eventually he entered the History Department at Kookmin University. he dreamed of living a vaguely written life, and received an excellence prize at the “Young journalist prize” in the “OhmyNews” article contest, which was written on the Gimpo residents of the North Korean confrontation situation in early 2013. In July of the same year, he received another award in “OhmyNews”, writing about his childhood “trauma.” He then went on to the “Korea employment war report”, which covered his interest in social issues and his “job preparation”.
나해리(Na, Harry)
1990년생. 5살 때부터 내리 고양시에서 살아왔다. 영어와 문학을 좋아해서 서강대학교 영문학과에 입학했다. 13살 때부터 적성에 맞는 학문이라고 생각했던 영문학은 생각보다 재미가 없었다. 경영학을 복수 전공했지만 역시 흥미로운 학문은 아니었다. 2년 동안 취업 전형에서 번번이 떨어지기만 했다. 연속된 불합격으로 의기소침해하다가 인연이 닿아 “대한민국 취업 전쟁 보고서”에 참여하게 되었다.
Born in 1990. She has been living in Goyang since I was 5 years old. She liked English and literature and She entered the Sogang University English Literature Department. From the age of 13, English literature, which she thought was a scholarship for aptitude, was not as fun as she thought. She did double major in business administration but it was not an interesting discipline either. For two years, she had only fallen out of her job hunt. She was involved in the “orea employment war report” when she was indicted of a series of failures.
정은주(Jeong, Eunjoo)
매주 금요일 마감 시간이 되면, ‘이 세상엔 내가 잘할 수 있는 일이 분명히 따로 있지 않을까’ 괴로워하며 밤새 기사를 쓴다. 13년째 고달픈 인생이다. ‘잘할 수 있는 일’을 선택해야 했는데, ‘하고 싶은 일’을 택한 탓이다. 이런 고민과 고통을 세 젊은이와 “대한민국 취업 전쟁 보고서”에 고스란히 녹여냈다.
대학 학보사를 거쳐 2002년에 “서울신문” 사회부 기자가 됐고, 2010년에 “한겨레” 경제부 기자가 됐다. 현재 “한겨레21” 사회팀장이다.
Every Friday, when the deadline is over, She write an article all night long, “I do not know what I can do well in this world.” It is a tough life for 13 years. She had to choose ‘something I can do well’ because she chose ‘what I want to do’. These anxieties and sufferings were dissolved with the help of three young people in the “Korea employment war report”.
After becoming a journalist in 2002, she became a reporter for “Seoul Newspaper” in the Department of Social Affairs. In 2010, she became a reporter for “Hankyoreh”. Currently, she is the head of the “Hankyoreh 21” social team.