검색 마케팅 이야기(S.E.O. marketing story)

출간일(Release) : 2012/02/03
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2007/01/08
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 10,500








누구나 할 수 있다 YES! 누구나 성공한다 NO!
이제는 자영업자이건 대기업 마케팅 부서이건 더 이상 검색엔진 마케팅은 옵션이 아니라 필수 조건이 되었다. 하지만 검색 마케팅 또한 활용하는 방법을 모른다면 돈만 낭비하고 큰 효과를 거두기가 쉽지 않다. 소비자가 원하는 핵심 컨텐츠를 뽑아내고, 이를 바탕으로 돈이 되는 검색 포트폴리오를 만들어야 한다. 또한 해외의 성공 사례만을 그대로 답습하는 것도 세계에서 가장 독특한 인터넷 문화를 가지고 있는 우리 실정과 맞지 않아 실패할 확률이 높기 때문에 한국적인 검색 마케팅 실무 방법을 알아야만 성공적인 검색 마케팅을 할 수 있을 것이다.

Everyone can do it, but not everyone succeeds!
It is no longer an option but a prerequisite for search engine marketing, whether it is self-employed or large-scale marketing departments. But if you do not know how to use search marketing, it is not easy to waste money and get big effect. Companies need to extract the core content that consumers want and build a search portfolio that is money based on them. In addition, following the success stories of foreign countries, it is not possible to match the situation with the most unique Internet culture in the world, so it is highly likely to fail. Therefore, if you know how to do Korean search marketing, you will be able to do successful search marketing.

김찬웅(Kim, Chanwoong)
보스턴 대학교 신문방송학과 졸업
오버추어 코리아에서 근무
클럽메드, 아디다스, HP의 국내 검색엔진 마케팅 Account 매니저
현재 그레이월드와이드 근무
글로벌 기획국 Senior Accountant
신제품 출시 커뮤티케이션 전략, 360도 커뮤티케이션 기획 담당

BS in Newspaper Broadcasting from Boston University
Working at Overture Korea
Club Med, Adidas, HP’s Domestic Search Engine Marketing Account Manager
Currently working in Gray Worldwide
Senior Accountant
New product launch communication strategy, 360 degree communication planning

PresenTation Coaching Book

출간일(Release) : 2012/01/31
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2011/11/11
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 10,500








대한민국에서 통하는 성공 프레젠테이션은 따로 있다!
기획부터 발표 기법, 이미지 연출 및 영어 프레젠테이션까지 대한민국 대표 프레젠테이션 전문가 10인이 말하는 성공 프레젠테이션의 비밀!

There is a success presentation from Korea!
From planning to presentation techniques, image production and English presentations, the success of 10 presentation specialists from Korea is a secret of presentation!

이승일(Lee, Seungil)
㈜파워피티 대표이사
대한민국 프레젠테이션 산업 1세대로, 현재 대한프레젠테이션협회 회장을 맡고 있다. 2014 평창동계올림픽과 2014 인천아시안게임 프레젠테이션 제작에 참여했으며, 한국 HRD협회 명강사로 왕성한 강의 활동을 펼치고 있다.

CEO of Power PT Co., Ltd.
He is the first generation of the Korean presentation industry and currently serves as president of the Korea Presentation Association. He participated in the 2014 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games and the 2014 Incheon Asian Games presentation, and is actively involved in the lectures of the Korean HRD Association.

이종욱(Lee, Jongwook)
㈜파워피티 공동대표
한림대 겸임교수로 더프레젠테이션컨설팅 사업 본부장을 맡고 있으며 2013년 베스트 프레젠터상을 수상했다. 삼성, LG, SK 등 국내 유수 기업과 관공서 및 공공기관, 대학에서 프레젠테이션 전문 컨설턴트로 활발히 활동 중이다.

Power PT Co-Representative
He is the assistant professor at Hallym University and is the director of the presentation consulting division. He received the best presenter award in 2013. Samsung, LG, and SK, as well as a consultant specializing in presentations at public offices, public institutions, and universities.

부록(Extra File)

좋아 보이는 것들의 비밀, Good Design : 개정판(The key to make everything look better, Good Design)

출간일(Release) : 2012/03/31
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2012/03/01
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 15,400








다양한 굿디자인들의 좋아 보이는 비밀!
이 책에서는 다양한 디자인 사례를 부담 없이 보고 읽는 과정 속에서 풍부하게 경험하게 되는 좋아 보이는 조형들을 통해 디자이너가 자연스럽게 조형 능력을 배양해 실천으로 이어질 수 있도록 구성했습니다.
이 책은 스기우라 고헤이의 편집 디자인, 알레산드로 멘디니의 안나 G, 두바이 오페라 하우스 등 다양한 분야의 구체적인 사례에서 좋은 디자인 요소를 찾아내고 분석했습니다. 그렇기 때문에 책을 보다보면 자연스럽게 디자인 안목과 감각을 키울 수 있습니다.

Various good design secrets that look good!
In this book, we have designed the designers to cultivate their molding ability naturally and to lead them to practice through the good looking formworks that are experienced abundantly in the process of reading and reading various design cases.
This book finds and analyzes good design elements in specific examples of various fields such as Gohie Sugiura’s editorial design, Alessandro Mendini’s Anna G, and Dubai Opera House. Therefore, if you look at the book, you can naturally enhance the design look and feel.

최경원(Choi, Gyoungwon)
서울대 미술대학 산업미술과와 동대학원 산업디자인과를 졸업했다. 건국대, 명지대, 성신여대, 숙명여대, 한성대 등에서 미술의 이해와 디자인 관련 강의를 하고 있으며 명지대학교 산업디자인과 겸임교수를 역임했다. 한국 문화의 디자인적 해석에 관심이 많은 그는 방학 때면 학생들과 함께 전국의 박물관과 유적지를 답사하곤 한다.
강동구청 옥외 빗살무늬 조명탑과 국립중앙박물관 관련 문화상품 20종을 디자인했으며, 여성용 소품 브랜드 ‘빈’ 관련 제품의 디자인 기획과 개발에도 참여하는 등 현직 디자이너로도 활발하게 활동하게 있다.
디자인의 기초와 실무를 누구나 쉽게 이해하도록 설명하는 ‘말빨’과 함께, 현직 디자이너로는 드물게 ‘글빨’도 갖춘 그는 다양한 디자인 관련 매체에 컬럼을 연재하고 있다.

He graduated from Seoul National University of Fine Arts and Industrial Design and the same graduate school of Industrial Design. He has lectures on understanding and design of arts in Konkuk University, Myongji University, Sungshin Women’s University, Sookmyung Women’s University, and Hansung University. He has also served as an adjunct professor of industrial design at Myongji University. He is interested in the design interpretation of Korean culture and he often visits museums and historical sites with students during vacation.
He has designed 20 kinds of cultural items related to the National Museum of Korea and has also been active as a current designer, including participating in the design planning and development of ‘Bin’ related products for women ‘s small brand’ Gangdong ‘.
In addition to the ‘tooth’ that explains the basics and practices of design to anyone easily, he also has a ‘texting’ as a current designer, and he has columns in various design related media.

인터넷 쇼핑몰 실무 지침서(Internet Shopping Mall Practical Guide)

출간일(Release) : 2011/10/31
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2008/04/28
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 9,000








인터넷 창업을 시작하는 사람들을 위한 입문 내용을 담고 있지만 크기와 분량을 줄이고 핵심적인 내용만 간추려 쇼핑몰 창업, 운영과 마케팅에 대한 필수 지식정보를 가볍고 쉽게 배울 수 있도록 구성한 것이 특징이다. 예비 쇼핑몰 창업자에게 쇼핑몰 창업에 필요한 필수 기본 사항들을 점검할 수 있도록 도와주며 쇼핑몰 종합서의 두꺼운 분량에 부담을 느끼는 독자들의 입맛도 해결해 줄 수 있는 책이다.

Although it contains introductory material for those who start Internet business, it is characterized by reducing the size and quantity and by focusing on core contents, it is possible to learn essential knowledge information about shopping mall establishment, operation and marketing lightly and easily. It is a book that can help the founder of the preliminary shopping mall check the basic essentials necessary for the establishment of the shopping mall and can solve the taste of the readers who feel burdened by the thick quantity of the shopping mall comprehensive book.

은종성(Eun, Jongseong)
– 비즈웹코리아 대표 / 컨설턴트
– 인삼?홍삼 전문쇼핑몰 풍수인(www.poongsooin.co.kr) 대표
– 내 주방의 명품생활 노블쿡(www.noblecook.co.kr) 대표
– 경영지도사(중소기업청 07-142호)
– 창업학 석사(대한민국 최초 취득 / 중소기업청 지원 국책 장학생)
– 중소기업청 소상공인진흥원 전문 컨설턴트
– 중소기업청 재직자정보화교육 전문강사
– (사)한국강사협회 선정 2007년, 2008년 명강사
– (사)대덕이노폴리스벤처협회 ”허브비즈CEO클럽” 패널
– 디트뉴스24(www.dtnews24.com) ”은종성의 온라인 창업” 칼럼 연재
– 전자상거래관리사, 정보처리기사, 품질경영기사, 사무자동화산업기사, ISO 9001 국제심사원(보) 등 취득
– 제2회 개인 도메인 홈페이지 경진대회 동상 수상(한국인터넷정보센터)
– 대학(한밭대, 대전대, 충주대 등), 공공기관(소상공인지원센터, 여성인력개발센터, 고용지원센터 등)

– BizWeb Korea representative / consultant
– Representative of Feng Shui Inn (www.poongsooin.co.kr) who specializes in ginseng and red ginseng
– My kitchen’s luxury life Noble Cook (www.noblecook.co.kr) representative
– Management consultant (Small and Medium Business Administration 07-142)
– Master of Business Administration (First acquisition in Korea / National Scholarship supported by Small and Medium Business Administration)
– Professional Consultant, KISA Small Business Agency, Small and Medium Business Administration
– Professional lecturer of informatization education
– Selected as a Korean lecturer association in 2007 and 2008
– Daedeok Innopolis Venture Association ” Hub Biz CEO Club ” Panel
– DeTeNews 24 (www.dtnews24.com) ” Eun Jong Sung’s online startup ” column series Acquired e-commerce manager, information processing company, quality management company, office automation industry article, ISO 9001 international auditor
– Received the bronze prize at the 2nd private domain website competition (Korea Internet Information Center)
– University (Hanbat National University, Daejeon University, Chungju University, etc.), Public Institutions (Small Business Association Support Center, Women Workforce Development Center, Employment Support Center, etc.)

WHAT`S NEXT 애플 & 닌텐도(WHAT`S NEXT Apple & Nintendo)

출간일(Release) : 2011/07/31
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2008/03/18
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 8,400








열정으로 만들고 가슴으로 팔아라!
넘버원이 아닌 온리원, 제품이 아닌 문화, 최고가 아닌 승리를 외치고 창조적인 기업 경영으로 가치 혁신을 이룬 애플과 닌텐도의 가슴 뛰고 숨막히는 이야기.
창조적인 아이디어로 자본과 마케팅의 벽을 허물고 무모함으로 시장 성공의 새로운 황금률을 만든 두 기업의 창조와 혁신을 말한다.

Make it with passion and sell it to your heart!
Nintendo’s breathtaking tales of Apple and Nintendo are not only number one, they are not products, they are not the best.
It is the creation and innovation of two companies that have created a new golden rule of market success by breaking down the walls of capital and marketing with creative ideas and recklessness.

김정남(Kim, Jeongnam)
multiwriter라는 필명의 저자는 게임 기획자 출신으로 국내외 IT 기업과 유명한 CEO들을 명쾌하게 비교, 분석하는 것으로 유명한 테크널라이터이자 전문 칼럼리스트이다.
그는 블로그라는 창구를 통해 웹에서 활동하면서 자신이 분석한 자료를 공개하고 이를 토대로 토론하며 다양한 의견을 쏟아내는 것을 좋아한다.

The author is a technology writer and professional columnist who is a game planner and famous for clearly comparing and analyzing domestic and foreign IT companies and famous CEOs.
He likes to work on the web through a blog and publish his own analysis, discuss it on the basis of it, and give out various opinions.

IT경제 상식사전(Common sense dictionary of IT-economy)

출간일(Release) : 2011/04/30
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2010/01/05
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 9,100








신문이나 방송에 자주 나오는 IT분야 용어 중 우선순위 120개 용어만 알면 어디서든지 우쭐해질 수 있는 상식박사로 거듭난다! 재미있는 일러스트로 쉽게 배우고, 하루에 10분 정도 틈나는대로 책을 읽다보면 어느새 시대를 앞서가는 IT분야 트렌드세터로 거듭난다. 책으로 익힌 용어는 책 속의 부록으로 제공하는 IT경제 상식 총정리 문제 50개를 풀어보면서 내 것으로 완벽하게 소화한다!

Priority in the IT field, which is frequently appeared in newspapers and broadcasts, if you know only 120 words, you will be raised as a common sense doctor who can be thrilled anywhere! It is easy to learn with fun illustrations, and 10 minutes a day, as soon as you read a book, you become a trend setter of the IT field that is ahead of the times. As a book, the term is completely digested into mine by unraveling 50 IT economy common sense problems presented in the appendix in the book!

양재봉(Yang, Jaebong)
푸른 제주도에서 태어나 바다처럼 넓고 푸른 IT산업에 관심을 갖고 있던 중, 숭실대 전자공학과를 졸업하면서 IT와 본격적인 인연을 맺기 시작했다. 2001년 나우누리가 유행할 당시 WINDOWS 동호회 ‘WIN”의 시삽을 맡으며 PC와 윈도우즈를 소개하는 역할을 담당했었다. 이후 “월간 HOW PC” 기자생활을 거치면서 PC관련 글을 기고하기 시작했으며, 잠시 출판 편집자 생활을 하면서 출판계와 인연을 쌓았다. 바른손카드 온라인 사업부 차장을 거쳐 현재는 컨텐츠 제작소 ’비스퀘어‘에서 기획/마케팅 팀장을 맡고 있다.

He was born in Jeju Island and was interested in IT industry, which is as big as the sea. He graduated from Soongsil University and began to make full-scale connections with IT. In 2001, he was in charge of introducing PCs and Windows as a sip for the WINDOWS club ‘WIN’ at the time of the outbreak. Since then, he has been working as a journalist for “Monthly HOW PC” and started to write PC related articles. After being the deputy manager of the online business division of Barnson Card, he is currently the director of planning and marketing at ‘Biscoquery’, a contents production company.

11번가에서 돈 버는 창업 무작정 따라하기(The cakewalk series – Start making money at the 11th Street)

출간일(Release) : 2011/03/31
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2010/07/14
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 13,300








인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 돈 버는 창업과 돈 까먹는 창업, 그 차이를 알려 드립니다!
– 누구나 시작할 수 있지만 아무나 성공할 수 없는 오픈마켓 창업 노하우
– 국내 유일의 토종 장터 11번가에서 일어나는 생생한 성공 창업 스토리

Let’s find out the difference between start-ups and start-ups that make money at Internet shopping malls!
– Open market know-how that anyone can start but no one succeeds
– Vivid success story that takes place in 11th Avenue of native market in Korea

김종철(Kim, Jongcheol)
성균관대학교 정보통신전공 석사
전 삼육의명대학 컴퓨터정보과 겸임교수
강남구여성센터 전임강사
한국표준협회 첨삭위원
대성그룹 중앙연구소 전산실장 역임
2005년도 평생교육강사대상 수상(한국평생교육강사연합회)
현) 대학 및 기업체에서 MOS 교육 진행
현) MOS 강사 양성 및 교육 Agency MOSaic CEO

Sungkyunkwan University Information Communication major
Former professor of computer information department
Full-time lecturer at Gangnam-gu Women’s Center
Korean Standards Association
Daesung Group Central Research Laboratory
2005 Grand Prize for Lifelong Education Lecturer (Korea Lifelong Education Teachers Association)
Current) MOS education in universities and companies
Current) MOS Lecturer MOSaic CEO

진짜로 나도 쇼핑몰 창업할 수 있을까?(How can I start my own business?)

출간일(Release) : 2011/11/30
종이책 출간일(Print Release) : 2009/05/12
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 9,000








인터넷 쇼핑몰 창업이라면 솔깃하지만 무작정 창업을 시작하기 부담스러운 분들을 위해 창업 준비부터 전반적인 운영 필수 상식들을 초보자의 눈높이에 맞추어 알려 줍니다. 창업에 있어서 필수적으로 알아야 할 내용을 ‘대학은 적성에 맞게, 창업은 여건에 맞게!’, ‘쇼핑몰 운영하기와 연애하기의 공통점’ 등으로 쉽고 재미있게 풀어낸 책입니다.

Internet shopping mall entrepreneurial, but for those who are willing to start a new business enthusiastically, from the start of business to the general operating essentials common knowledge to inform the novice. It is a book that is easy and fun to solve the essential contents that you need to know in start-up, such as “Universities are tailored to their aptitude, start-ups are tailored to the circumstances” and “commonality between running a shopping mall and dating.”

조은주(Jo, Eunjoo)
대학에서 경제학을 전공한 뒤, 기자 및 자유기고가로 일했습니다. 어렸을 때부터 책이 좋아 지금은 동국대학교 언론대학원에서 출판, 잡지에 대한 공부를 하고 있습니다.
지은 책으로는 “부자 되는 경제일기”, “민주네 정치일기”, “5일장에 간 아름이”, “야키부키 나라의 동전”, “어린이 직업백과사전” 등이 있습니다.

Eunjoo Jo studied economics at university and worked as a journalist and freelance writer. The author likes books since she was a child, and now she is studying publications and magazines at the Graduate School of Journalism at Dongguk University.
There are books such as “Rich Economy Diary”, “Political Diary of Democracy”, “Five Days of Beautiful Beauty”, “Coin of Yaki Baki Nara”, and “Encyclopedia of Children’s Occupation”.

YouTube: 能讓?一?成名,還能讓??錢的優圖(YouTube: How to Become a Star with Content and Make a Profit from Advertising)

출간일(Release) : 2015/11/30
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 10,500







‘YouTube’是世界上規模最大的視頻網站。於2005年首次亮相後,2006年被谷歌收購,從2008年開始實行韓國語服務。目前除中國等極少數國家以外,全世界的大部分地區都可觀看上傳在YouTube上的視頻。構成 YouTube生態系的3大要素分別有生?視頻內容的‘創作者(Creator)’、消費的流通主體-‘用戶(User)’、以及形成資金流通的‘廣告商(Advertiser)’等。在YouTube人人都能?製作?上傳視頻,?每個使用者都共同擁有成?視頻創作者的機會。?了讓更多的使用者成?製作視頻的創作者,YouTube還在運行‘YouTube合?經營’制度。

這是一本經現任谷歌YouTube合作業務負責人鑒定的,在國內首次出版的YouTube嚮導書。書中介紹了從加入YouTube的方法到上傳視頻的方法、管理我的頻道的方法、在我的視頻中設置廣告收益的方法,以及提高廣告收益的竅門等,在YouTube運作一個頻道須掌握的各項功能及應用方法。一旦掌握了這些基本?念,具體功能可參照‘無條件?我學’的內容,照著做便可學會。在‘Special Page’還介紹了不同類別的人氣頻道,同時還介紹了企業行銷中應用YouTube的方法,以及維護YouTube作品版權的方法。

YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing website. It was created in 2005 and was taken over by Google in 2006. Beginning in 2008, YouTube started a Korean language service. People around the world have access to enjoy YouTube with the exception of a few countries including China. There are three main components that constitute the YouTube ecosystem: the users who are the members of the YouTube communities and the consumers of YouTube videos; the creators who produce videos; and the advertisers who make the money flow within the YouTube ecosystem.

YouTube is open to anybody who wants to create and upload videos, and all users are equally eligible to become creators. YouTube is operating the YouTube partnership program to encourage users to become creators of videos.

This is Korea’s first YouTube reference book proofread by the person who is currently in charge of the YouTube partnership program. This book explains everything that you need to know about YouTube if you want to become a creator and manage your own channel; how to sign up to become a YouTuber; how to upload videos; how to manage your channel; how to monetize YouTube videos; and the knowhow to generate more profits. All lessons about basic YouTube features are accompanied by “Follow These Simple Steps,” where you are encouraged to practice what you have learned. The book also includes a “Special Page” section, where some of the popular YouTube channels are introduced by different categories, in addition to ways on how to use YouTube to promote businesses and to protect your copyrights.

YouTube Study Club

YouTube Study Club was established in 2014 with experts as its members to educate people about the opportunities and possibilities YouTube can offer, and to help becoming successful YouTubers. This book is the first publication by the club with the goal of helping people to get a deeper and broader understanding about YouTube. The club is committed to continuously discovering and introducing diverse YouTube features and success stories and contributing to the development of the communities built by YouTube creators in Korea through its website (www.youtubeguide.org).

YouTube: 以?容成?明星,以?告?取收益的??(YouTube: How to Become a Star with Content and Make a Profit from Advertising)

출간일(Release) : 2015/11/30
전자책 종류(Format) : ePub
Price : KRW 10,500








‘YouTube’是世界上?模最大的???站。于2005年首次亮相后,2006年被谷歌收?,?2008年?始?行了???服?。目前除中?等?少??家以外,全世界的大部分地?都可?看上?在YouTube上的??。?成 YouTube生?系的3大要素分?有生????容的‘?作者(Creator)’、消?的流通主?-‘用?(User)’、以及形成?金流通的‘?告商(Advertiser)’等。在YouTube人人都能?制作?上???,?每?用?都共同?有成????作者的机?。?了?更多的用?成?制作??的?作者,YouTube?在?行‘YouTube合???’制度。

?是一本??任谷歌YouTube合作????人?定的,在??首次出版的YouTube向??。?中介?了?加入YouTube的方法到上???的方法、管理我的?道的方法、在我的??中?置?告收益的方法,以及提高?告收益的??等,在YouTube?作一??道?掌握的各?功能及?用方法。一旦掌握了?些基本?念,具?功能可?照‘无?件?我?’的?容,照着做便可??。在‘Special Page’?介?了不同??的人??道,同??介?了企???中?用YouTube的方法,以及??YouTube作品版?的方法。

YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing website. It was created in 2005 and was taken over by Google in 2006. Beginning in 2008, YouTube started a Korean language service. People around the world have access to enjoy YouTube with the exception of a few countries including China. There are three main components that constitute the YouTube ecosystem: the users who are the members of the YouTube communities and the consumers of YouTube videos; the creators who produce videos; and the advertisers who make the money flow within the YouTube ecosystem.

YouTube is open to anybody who wants to create and upload videos, and all users are equally eligible to become creators. YouTube is operating the YouTube partnership program to encourage users to become creators of videos.

This is Korea’s first YouTube reference book proofread by the person who is currently in charge of the YouTube partnership program. This book explains everything that you need to know about YouTube if you want to become a creator and manage your own channel; how to sign up to become a YouTuber; how to upload videos; how to manage your channel; how to monetize YouTube videos; and the knowhow to generate more profits. All lessons about basic YouTube features are accompanied by “Follow These Simple Steps,” where you are encouraged to practice what you have learned. The book also includes a “Special Page” section, where some of the popular YouTube channels are introduced by different categories, in addition to ways on how to use YouTube to promote businesses and to protect your copyrights.

YouTube Study Club

YouTube Study Club was established in 2014 with experts as its members to educate people about the opportunities and possibilities YouTube can offer, and to help becoming successful YouTubers. This book is the first publication by the club with the goal of helping people to get a deeper and broader understanding about YouTube. The club is committed to continuously discovering and introducing diverse YouTube features and success stories and contributing to the development of the communities built by YouTube creators in Korea through its website (www.youtubeguide.org).